Grown On a Hill

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Coop Chronicles: Crafting Freedom - The Run Beyond the Coop

As the final notes of construction echoed softly in the winter's stillness, a sense of anticipation lingered within the coop. Amidst this quiet, the clucks of the feathered inhabitants seemed to hum with expectation, for their sanctuary extended beyond the familiar coop, into a promised chicken run beneath the open sky. The New Year unfurled its pages, revealing a narrative of dreams—a tale painted with the strokes of a run that offered promises of liberty and joy.


The Predatory Puzzle:

Against the backdrop of a snowy panorama, a deeper need emerged—the yearning for a run. The urban cocoon, comforting for me, presented a perilous playground for my feathery companions. Sly foxes, mischief-laden raccoons, night-prowling coyotes, and curious opossums lurked nearby. The run, more than an extension, became a necessity—a guardian shield against nature's cunning tricks. Rules restricted the wings of my hens, and the run emerged as a compromise between safety and freedom.


From Idea to Reality:

Cue the unsung hero, the cattle panel, discovered in the labyrinth of the internet. Skepticism etched lines on my dad's face, uncertain if this unconventional solution would suffice. A transformative video showcasing the marvels of a DIY chicken tractor turned the tide. "It just might work," echoed through the air like a winter wind carrying hope.


The quest for these 16-foot guardians led to Fleetfarm's virtual gates, declaring their presence just 5 miles away. Yet, the challenge wasn't just in acquiring them; it was in orchestrating their transportation ballet. A 15-foot U-Haul truck became the chariot, rented for a fleeting two-hour window. The stars aligned, and the panels were captured, stacked, and hauled home, turning a winter expedition into a triumphant adventure.


Bending and Building:

With the panels on snow-laden ground, the construction ballet commenced. A bottom frame rose, a fortress armed with wood and hardware cloth—a preemptive strike against any subterranean invaders. Then, the panels bowed gracefully, becoming guardians of freedom—an arch connecting the coop to the heavens. The coop and run became one, a whimsical sanctuary standing proud against the winter canvas.


Clamping and Securing:

The arch was magnificent, but the dance wasn't over. It needed finesse to be secured to the coop. My dad, wielding hose clamps like magical instruments, tightened each one, orchestrating the panel's snug embrace against the coop. It was a fusion of creativity, engineering, and dreams—a testament to the unspoken language between coop and run.


The Door Dilemma:

A door beckoned, a gateway to adventure. The quest for an old screen door proved futile, but ingenuity stepped in. The 2x4s waltzed into a frame, creating a door that swung open to endless possibilities. Hinges whispered tales of entrances and exits, and a bolt lock sealed the deal. The door wasn't just an entryway; it was a portal to freedom.


A Frozen Pause:

As the winter chill penetrated, the construction symphony took a pause. The door was left ajar, an invitation to the elements. My dad's wisdom echoed in the frosty air, guiding me on the next steps for the door and the panel. It was a moment frozen in time, a breath caught in anticipation of the unfurling tale.


Securing the Foundation:

The bottom frame, fortified with hardware cloth, stood as a barrier against potential diggers. It ensured that the run wasn't just an overhead haven but a secure fortress from every angle. As we secured the foundation, the run began to morph into a haven—a space where safety and freedom entwined.


Finishing Touches:

The run, now a testament to creativity and perseverance, awaited the final embellishments. Hardware cloth adorned the door, providing an extra layer of protection. The cattle panel, wrapped in layers of security, stood as an arched gateway—a passage to the enchanting outdoors.


Understanding the Run's Purpose:

The coop and run stood not just as structures but as guardians of dreams. The clucks inside resonated with the whispers of feathers—a testament to the spirit of freedom. Now, let's delve into why chickens need this dedicated run space and the transformative effects it has on their well-being.


Why Chickens Need a Run Space:


Exercise and Well-being:

Physical activity is vital for chickens' health and happiness. A designated run space provides ample room for them to engage in natural behaviors like scratching, pecking, and dust bathing. It ensures they get the exercise they need for optimal well-being.


Natural Behaviors:

Chickens are natural foragers. A run allows them to express their instinctive behaviors, foraging for insects and scratching at the ground. It's a controlled environment that mimics their natural habitat, promoting mental stimulation and contentment.


Safety and Protection:

The run acts as a secure haven, protecting chickens from potential predators. In urban or suburban areas, where threats like foxes and raccoons are prevalent, a run provides a barrier that ensures the safety of the flock.


Environmental Enrichment:

The run's diverse environment offers a variety of textures, vegetation, and objects. This environmental enrichment prevents boredom, stimulates their minds, and contributes to overall happiness.


Weed and Pest Control:

Chickens are excellent foragers and can help control weeds, insects, and pests. Allowing them access to a run ensures they contribute to natural pest management, benefiting both the chickens and the surrounding area.


Dust Bathing:

Dust bathing is a crucial behavior for chickens to maintain their health. A run with loose soil allows them to create dust baths, helping control parasites and keeping their feathers clean.


Regulation of Social Dynamics:

Chickens establish a pecking order within their flock. A run with enough space allows them to establish and maintain social hierarchies without overcrowding, reducing the likelihood of aggressive behavior.


Egg Production:

A stress-free environment, facilitated by a well-designed run, positively impacts egg production. Chickens that feel secure and content are more likely to lay eggs consistently.


Compliance with Local Regulations:

In urban or suburban settings, local regulations may require chickens to be kept in enclosed spaces. A run ensures compliance with such regulations, fostering positive relationships with neighbors and local authorities.


The coop-and-run combination not only fulfills the physical and safety needs of the chickens but also contributes to their mental and emotional well-being. The run becomes a canvas for the expression of natural behaviors, ensuring that every cluck echoes in delight within their feathered haven. The coop chronicles dance on, painting a mural of feathered aspirations and the boundless spirit of the great outdoors. For those embarking on a similar journey, may your coop and run be a testament to the joys of crafting a haven for liberated clucks.