Welcome to Grown on a Hill, where we sow the seeds of simplicity and reap the bountiful harvest of self-sufficiency.

Nestled on the slopes of mindful living, this Urban homestead is a haven for those seeking to cultivate self-reliance, embrace the rhythms of nature, and celebrate the bounty it provides. Join me on a journey through the Flock, Garden, Orchard, and the art of Preserving the Harvest. Together, let's explore the beauty of sustainable living, one seed at a time.

The Flock

Meet my feathered companions - a lively mix of backyard chickens and quail. Learn about my goals, challenges, and the rewarding experience of raising these incredible birds

Where Every Egg Holds a Tale and Every Cluck Echoes in Delight!

Where enchanting chirps harmonize with feathered havens.

The Garden

Explore the enchanting world of my food forest, a thriving orchard filled with a diverse array of fruit-bearing trees. Discover the magic of cultivating your own fruits.

Dive into the wonders of my garden, featuring the sweet allure of raspberries and strawberries, the delights of asparagus and rhubarb, and tips on nurturing these bountiful crops.

Explore the vibrant variety of vegetables that grace my garden. From tomatoes and potatoes to beans, peas, carrots, and more, learn the art of cultivating a rich harvest.

Preserving the Harvest

The Art of Canning:

Waterbath and Pressure

Delve into the world of canning, both waterbath and pressure methods. Learn the step-by-step process of preserving your harvest, ensuring a pantry filled with flavors from your garden.

Freezing and Dehydrating:

Unlocking Nature's Bounty

Discover the secrets of freezing and dehydrating. From preserving the vibrant colors of summer to creating nutrient-packed dried snacks, elevate your harvest preservation skills.

Recipes from the Pantry:

Bringing Preserved Goodness to Your Table

Explore a collection of recipes that transform preserved harvest into delightful meals. From canned vegetables to dehydrated fruits, savor the fruits of your labor.

Grown on a hill

Welcome to Grown On A Hill

Learn alongside me as I unveil the secrets to self-sustainability, even in the heart of an urban setting. From the joys of nurturing your garden to the care of feathered companions, Grown on a Hill is your guide to creating a harmonious and bountiful environment right in your own space.