The Chicken Flock

The quest for having backyard chickens began as a nostalgic dream, a yearning to bring a slice of farm life to the urban hustle. Despite the dream being dismissed multiple times by my husband, the winds of change blew unexpectedly with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The once whimsical idea transformed into a practical and valuable resource as supply chain disruptions left grocery store shelves barren. Join me on this journey as I navigate the path to turning the dream of backyard chickens into a reality, driven not by the desire to save money, but by the need for resilience and self-reliance.

Welcome to Egglandia –

Where Every Egg Holds a Tale and Every Cluck Echoes in Delight!

  • A regal abode for our esteemed fowl residents, where comfort and style converge in poultry perfection.

  • Follow our feathered friends on their escapades through lush roosting grounds and communal spaces. Witness the joys of daily life as our hens revel in the urban landscape.

  • Explore the bountiful yields from Egglandia's egg-laden orchards. From sunrise to sunset, our hens tirelessly contribute to the freshest eggs for your culinary pursuits.

  • Delve into the captivating stories and anecdotes from the Penthouse. Uncover the secrets of urban chicken keeping, from the early stages of planning to the daily rituals that make Egglandia flourish.

The Coop Chronicles

Delve into the captivating stories and anecdotes from the Penthouse. Uncover the secrets of urban chicken keeping, from the early stages of planning to the daily rituals that make Egglandia flourish.