Garden-Fresh Fried Red Potatoes

Welcome back to Grown on a Hill! Today, we’re excited to share one of our favorite recipes using freshly harvested baby red potatoes from our garden. These garden-fresh fried red potatoes are simple to make, delicious, and perfect for any meal. Let’s dive into the recipe!


There’s something incredibly satisfying about growing your own food and enjoying the fruits of your labor. This week, we experienced that joy when we harvested our first batch of baby red potatoes from the garden. Despite a few challenges along the way, including some mysterious nibbles on our potato plants, the harvest was bountiful and the potatoes were absolutely beautiful.

As I dug into the soil and unearthed these little red gems, I couldn’t help but think about all the delicious meals we could create. One of our favorite ways to enjoy freshly harvested potatoes is by making fried red potatoes. It’s a simple recipe that brings out the natural flavor of the potatoes, making them crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Perfect as a side dish or a hearty breakfast, these fried potatoes are sure to be a hit with your family and friends.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps to make your own garden-fresh fried red potatoes. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this recipe is a great way to enjoy the literal fruits (or tubers) of your labor. Let’s dive into the recipe!

Garden-Fresh Fried Red Potatoes

Yield 4
Author Aubrey
Prep time
10 Min
Cook time
25 Min
Total time
35 Min



  1. Prepare the Potatoes: Begin by washing and quartering the baby red potatoes. It’s essential to pat them dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. This step helps achieve a crispy texture when frying.
  2. Heat the Oil: In a large skillet, heat the olive oil or butter over medium-high heat until hot. Using butter adds a rich flavor, while olive oil is a healthier option. Choose whichever suits your preference.
  3. Cook the Potatoes: Add the potatoes to the skillet in a single layer. Let them cook undisturbed for about 5-7 minutes to get a nice golden-brown crust on one side. Resist the urge to stir too soon, as this helps with the browning process.
  4. Add Onion and Garlic: Once the potatoes have a good crust, add the finely chopped onion and minced garlic to the skillet. Stir to combine with the potatoes. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are tender and the onions are caramelized, about 10-15 minutes. The aroma at this stage is simply irresistible!
  5. Season and Serve: Season the potatoes with salt, pepper, and paprika if you like a bit of extra flavor. Adding fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or parsley can enhance the taste. Stir everything to coat evenly with the seasoning.
  6. Serve Hot: Serve the fried potatoes hot as a side dish or a delicious breakfast option with eggs and bacon. The crispy outside and tender inside make these potatoes a delightful addition to any meal.




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