Embarking on the Lockdown Phase: A Journey of Emotions and Anticipation

As the final leg of my quail incubation journey unfolds, the lockdown phase has become a crucial milestone, marked by a spectrum of emotions and a heightened sense of anticipation. This period, filled with poignant moments and insightful reflections, delves into the intricacies of the incubation process, offering a glimpse into the challenges and joys of raising quail from eggs.

Navigating Emotional Peaks and Valleys

The decision to remove an additional egg during the last candling session was more than a mere physical action; it marked a lesson in acceptance. Placing the egg on the candling spot, I rotated it with a sense of hope, only to be met with a subtle defeat. Little to no light penetrated the egg, and a closer examination revealed the absence of an air sac. This was a moment of reality – an acknowledgment that not all eggs will hatch successfully. Despite my preparedness for potential challenges, this experience was a poignant reminder of the inherent unpredictability in the delicate process of hatching.

Moving beyond this acceptance, the lockdown phase ushered in a dance of emotions. Observing small wiggles and movements in five eggs brought joy and excitement to the incubation room. My daughter, the keen observer, became the herald of life, exclaiming, "Mom, your eggs wiggle when I'm talking to them." This simple act of communication seemed to initiate a response from the developing quail inside. The eggs, once dormant, now exhibited signs of vitality, transforming the countdown to pipping into a vibrant dance of anticipation. My daughter, enthusiastically claiming two eggs as her own, gave them names and eagerly awaited their hatch. The movement within the eggs was not just a physical phenomenon; it became a promise, a sign that new life was on the verge of entering the world.

Reflections on Impatience and Hope

The period leading up to lockdown was characterized by checking, a manifestation of both impatience and hope. The confluence of time moving both fast and slow created a unique psychological landscape. Each step in the incubation process was accompanied by a concern – am I doing this right? Scouring posts from fellow quail hatchers for insights and reassurance became a nightly ritual. Despite arming myself with knowledge, the fear of unexpected outcomes lingered. The third day into the process brought a wave of self-doubt fueled by external information on potential hatching issues. Anxious anticipation followed, alleviated only by the reassuring sight of development during the next day's candling. These moments of concern and self-doubt became crucial in shaping my approach to the incubation process. As I draw closer to hatch day, my confidence grows, and I've learned the importance of creating a visual checklist for future hatches to track progress more effectively.

Optimizing Conditions for Success

A significant aspect of the lockdown phase involves making adjustments to create an optimal environment for the upcoming pipping process. Raising the humidity to 65% during the last three days of incubation, aptly named lockdown, is a strategic move based on popular guidance. This adjustment is a critical step in facilitating the successful hatching of quail chicks. While debates exist on humidity preferences, I've chosen to align with the widely practiced method for this initial attempt. The decision is also influenced by a consideration of potential issues, particularly in chicks' foot development, associated with humidity levels. As the eggs enter this crucial stage, the conditions are fine-tuned to set the stage for the imminent emergence of the chicks.

Anticipating the First Breakthrough: A Mental Odyssey

The countdown to pipping is not merely a passive waiting game; it's a vivid mental odyssey. With each subtle movement, I envision the chick inside the egg, actively searching for the optimal spot to initiate the first peck. The mental image is one of precision, with the chick strategically positioning itself for the breakthrough. The first break in the eggshell becomes a symbol of life's tenacity, a testament to the intricate dance of nature unfolding within the confines of each egg. This visualization adds to the overall excitement of the journey, as I eagerly await the emergence of the first quail chick.

Transforming Lessons into Future Success

As this incubation saga unfolds, each moment of emotional connection, signs of life, personal reflection, environmental adjustments, and anticipation for pipping contributes to a tapestry of experiences. The lessons learned during the lockdown phase become building blocks for future success in quail hatching. The journey, far from being a solitary endeavor, is a shared narrative of growth, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of life.

Stay tuned for the final chapter of this incubation series, where the fruits of meticulous preparations and the unpredictability of nature converge in the much-anticipated hatch day.


Quail Chronicles: Days in the Brooder


Quailtopia Chronicles: A Comprehensive Journey through Coturnix Quail Incubation